Riesgo biológico (biohazard)
El riesgo biológico (llamado biohazard en inglés) consiste en la presencia de un organismo, o la sustancia derivada de un organismo, que plantea una amenaza a la salud humana. Esto puede incluir los residuos sanitarios, muestras de un microorganismo, virus o toxina (de una fuente biológica) que puede resultar patógena. Puede también incluir las sustancias dañinas a los animales. El término y su símbolo asociado se utilizan generalmente como advertencia, de modo que esas personas potencialmente expuestas a las sustancias lo sepan para tomar precauciones.
Símbolos de Riesgo
¿Para qué sirven?
Identifican el riesgo de las distintas sustancias químicas.
Están ubicados en forma visible en los vehículos que las transportan y en los recipientes que las contienen.
Es de suma utilidad para nuestra seguridad conocer su significado para advertir que tipo de vehículo tenemos adelante, al costado o atrás mientras viajamos y decidir si es conveniente tomar distancia.
Frente al hecho trágico de una camion que vuelca o choca y tiene colocado el simbolo de riesgo, al llamar al 911 será de gran ayuda brindar información acerca del símbolo, para que el equipo de bomberos tenga conocimiento de la situación, lo que acelerará la asistencia, posibilitando la alarma local inmediata en caso de sustancias de alto riesgo.
Como regla general se considera que nunca debemos acercarnos a la escena de riesgo, se aconseja permanecer a distancia, con el viento a nuestras espaldas, para prevenir por ejemplo,la inhalacion de las sustancias que podrían llegar desde este camión.
Llamar al 911 como única acción.
Los símbolos de riesgo son pictogramas que se encuentran estampados en las etiquetas de los productos químicos y que sirven para dar una percepción instantánea del tipo de peligro que entraña su uso, manipulación, transporte y almacenamiento.
Los símbolos de riesgo están estandarizados en la Unión Europea de acuerdo con el anexo II de la directiva 67/548/EWG.
Los pictogramas son de color negro y están impresos en cuadrados de color naranja.
C Corrosivo
Estos productos químicos causan destrucción de tejidos vivos y/o materiales inertes.
Precaución: No inhalar y evitar el contacto con la piel, ojos y ropas.
Ejemplos:Ácido clorhídrico, Ácido fluorhídrico
E Explosivo
Sustancias y preparaciones que pueden explotar bajo efecto de una llama o que son más sensibles a los choques o fricciones que el dinitrobenceno.
Precaución: evitar golpes, sacudidas, fricción, flamas o fuentes de calor.
O Comburente
Sustancias que tienen la capacidad de incendiar otras sustancias, facilitando la combustión e impidiendo el combate del fuego.
Precaución: evitar su contato con materiales combustibles.
Ejemplos:Oxígeno, Nitrato de potasio, Peróxido de hidrógeno
F Inflamable
Sustancias y preparaciones que pueden calentarse y finalmente inflamarse en contacto con el aire a una temperatura normal sin empleo de energía.
Pueden ser:
Sólidas:pueden inflamarse fácilmente por una breve acción de una fuente de inflamación y que continúan ardiendo o consumiéndose después de haber apartado la fuente de inflamación,
Líquidas:tienen un punto de inflamación inferior a 21 ºC, o
Gaseosas:inflamables en contacto con el aire a presión normal, o que, en contacto con el agua o el aire húmedo liberan gases fácilmente inflamables en cantidades peligrosas
Precaución: evitar contacto con materiales ignitivos (aire, agua).
Ejemplos:Benceno, Etanol, Acetona
F+ Extremadamente inflamable
Sustancias y preparaciones líquidas, cuyo punto de inflamación se sitúa entre los 21 ºC y los 55 ºC;
Precaución: evitar contacto con materiales ignitivos (aire, agua).
Ejemplos:Hidrógeno, Etino,Éter etílico
T Tóxico
Sustancias y preparaciones que, por inhalación, ingestión o penetración cutánea, pueden implicar riesgos graves, agudos o crónicos a la salud.
Precaución: todo el contacto con el cuerpo humano debe ser evitado.
Ejemplos:Cloruro de bario Monóxido de carbono, Metanol
T+ Muy tóxico
Clasificación: Por inhalación, ingesta o absorción a través de la piel, provoca graves problemas de salud e inclusive la muerte.
Precaución: todo el contato con el cuerpo humano debe ser evitado.
Ejemplo: Cianuro, Trióxido de arsénico, Nicotina
Xi Irritante
Clasificación: Sustancias y preparaciones no corrosivas que, por contacto inmediato, prolongado o repetido con la piel o las mucosas, pueden provocar una reacción inflamatoria.
Precaución: los gases no deben ser inhalados y el contacto con la piel y ojos debe ser evitado.
Ejemplo:Cloruro de calcio, Carbonato de sodio
Xn Nocivo
Sustancias y preparaciones que, por inhalación, ingestión o penetración cutánea, pueden implicar riesgos a la salud de forma temporal o alérgica;
Precaución: debe ser evitado el contato con el cuerpo humano, así como la inhalación de los vapores.
Ejemplos:Etanol, Diclorometano, Cloruro de potasio, Lavandina
N Peligroso para el medio ambiente
El contacto de esa sustancia con el medio ambiente puede provocar daños al ecosistema a corto o largo plazo
Manipulación: debido a su riesgo potencial, no debe ser liberado en las cañerías, en el suelo o el medio ambiente.
Ejemplos:Benceno, Cianuro de potasio, Lindano
2002: ya se admitía la realización de pruebas con armas químicas y biológicas
Thursday, 10 October, 2002, 00:53 GMT 01:53 UK
US admits chemical weapons tests
By Nick Childs
BBC Pentagon correspondent
The Pentagon has published previously secret information revealing that it carried out more extensive tests of chemical and biological warfare agents than had previously been thought.
The tests took place in the 1960s and early 70s.
Test sites
Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland,Utah, Britain, Canada
Tests were also carried out in Britain and Canada, although the Americans say the British and Canadian governments published information on these some years ago.
In all some 5,500 US military personnel were involved.
The Pentagon has previously revealed information on tests of chemical and biological warfare agents aboard US Navy ships at sea.
Now, for the first time, it has given details of similar tests on American soil - in Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland and Utah - as well as in Britain and Canada.
Veterans concerned
In some of these tests actual toxic agents, including sarin and VX, were released but more than half used simulated agents.
The aim of the tests, the Pentagon insists, was to evaluate equipment, procedures and military tactics and not to check the effects on people.
Personnel wore protective suits.
Civilians were exposed to the simulated agents, Pentagon officials say, but they add that these were harmless and the US military insists it has no evidence that anyone suffered medical effects from the tests at the time.
But in large part the reason for revealing this information now and for briefing the US Congress, as the Pentagon has been doing, is because of concerns expressed by veterans.
More than 50 of them have filed claims because of health concerns and fears they were exposed to dangerous substances.
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Friday, 24 May, 2002, 18:50 GMT 19:50 UK
US admits nerve gas experiments
The Pentagon has admitted to using the deadly sarin and VX nerve gases in experiments on US Navy ships in the 1960s.
Sarin and VX are two of the world's deadliest biological agents
The tests, conducted in the Pacific from 1964 to 1968, were performed on US Navy ships to test the viability of such weapons, the use of protective gear and decontamination procedures, according to a report released by the department.
The information was made available following complaints by veterans - around 600 personnel thought to have taken part in the tests have been sent mailings by the Department of Veterans Affairs, asking them to undergo medical tests, the Associated Press news agency reported.
The Pentagon's admission could pave the way for veterans to receive compensation if they are found to have medical complications as a result of exposure to biological agents.
Cold War
Six tests in total were conducted during the so-called Shipboard Hazard and Defence programme (Shad) off the Hawaiian coast during a period when America's Cold War with the former Soviet Union was at its height.
It seems to me enough time has passed that someone over there should have known who was involved and what was going on
The tests mostly involved the use of "stimulants" meant to simulate chemical weapons.(Congressman Mike Thompson)
But on at least two occasions in 1964, aircraft sprayed actual nerve gases on two warships and a barge, in operations codenamed Operation Flower Drum I and II.
Sarin gas triggers violent symptoms including uncontrollable seizures and vomiting and is frequently fatal, while VX gas is one of the most virulent substances known to mankind.
Severe exposure can kill a human being in 15 minutes.
The Pentagon has stressed that on both occasions personnel on board were given special gas masks and - on the occasion that sarin was used - protective clothing.
Classified information
But it acknowledged in its statement that the information, classified during the Cold War, had been poorly archived, and that there had been "slow progress" in releasing it to the public.
US Congressman Mike Thompson, who had put pressure on both the Veterans Affairs and Defence departments, said he was "alarmed" that the Pentagon did not appear to have full records to indicate whether the tests had caused ill health in those involved.
"It seems to me enough time has passed that someone over there should have known who was involved and what was going on," he said.
Thursday, 10 October, 2002, 00:53 GMT 01:53 UK
US admits chemical weapons tests
By Nick Childs
BBC Pentagon correspondent
The Pentagon has published previously secret information revealing that it carried out more extensive tests of chemical and biological warfare agents than had previously been thought.
The tests took place in the 1960s and early 70s.
Test sites
Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland,Utah, Britain, Canada
Tests were also carried out in Britain and Canada, although the Americans say the British and Canadian governments published information on these some years ago.
In all some 5,500 US military personnel were involved.
The Pentagon has previously revealed information on tests of chemical and biological warfare agents aboard US Navy ships at sea.
Now, for the first time, it has given details of similar tests on American soil - in Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland and Utah - as well as in Britain and Canada.
Veterans concerned
In some of these tests actual toxic agents, including sarin and VX, were released but more than half used simulated agents.
The aim of the tests, the Pentagon insists, was to evaluate equipment, procedures and military tactics and not to check the effects on people.
Personnel wore protective suits.
Civilians were exposed to the simulated agents, Pentagon officials say, but they add that these were harmless and the US military insists it has no evidence that anyone suffered medical effects from the tests at the time.
But in large part the reason for revealing this information now and for briefing the US Congress, as the Pentagon has been doing, is because of concerns expressed by veterans.
More than 50 of them have filed claims because of health concerns and fears they were exposed to dangerous substances.
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Friday, 24 May, 2002, 18:50 GMT 19:50 UK
US admits nerve gas experiments
The Pentagon has admitted to using the deadly sarin and VX nerve gases in experiments on US Navy ships in the 1960s.
Sarin and VX are two of the world's deadliest biological agents
The tests, conducted in the Pacific from 1964 to 1968, were performed on US Navy ships to test the viability of such weapons, the use of protective gear and decontamination procedures, according to a report released by the department.
The information was made available following complaints by veterans - around 600 personnel thought to have taken part in the tests have been sent mailings by the Department of Veterans Affairs, asking them to undergo medical tests, the Associated Press news agency reported.
The Pentagon's admission could pave the way for veterans to receive compensation if they are found to have medical complications as a result of exposure to biological agents.
Cold War
Six tests in total were conducted during the so-called Shipboard Hazard and Defence programme (Shad) off the Hawaiian coast during a period when America's Cold War with the former Soviet Union was at its height.
It seems to me enough time has passed that someone over there should have known who was involved and what was going on
The tests mostly involved the use of "stimulants" meant to simulate chemical weapons.(Congressman Mike Thompson)
But on at least two occasions in 1964, aircraft sprayed actual nerve gases on two warships and a barge, in operations codenamed Operation Flower Drum I and II.
Sarin gas triggers violent symptoms including uncontrollable seizures and vomiting and is frequently fatal, while VX gas is one of the most virulent substances known to mankind.
Severe exposure can kill a human being in 15 minutes.
The Pentagon has stressed that on both occasions personnel on board were given special gas masks and - on the occasion that sarin was used - protective clothing.
Classified information
But it acknowledged in its statement that the information, classified during the Cold War, had been poorly archived, and that there had been "slow progress" in releasing it to the public.
US Congressman Mike Thompson, who had put pressure on both the Veterans Affairs and Defence departments, said he was "alarmed" that the Pentagon did not appear to have full records to indicate whether the tests had caused ill health in those involved.
"It seems to me enough time has passed that someone over there should have known who was involved and what was going on," he said.
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